King Canut & the Sea of Silk

It’s Friday, welcome to the weekend, welcome to wine, welcome to wieners, welcome in!

This week we bring you some of the finest sozzies this Sceptred Isle has to offer. A tutti frutti combination of pork, beef & duck in the broadly Brat(wurst) style from Tom Adams’ celebrated agoraturismo, Coombeshead Farm. These beasts are of the highest quality & bred with the respect & integrity they deserve. Served at QW all of this week and next with a stupidly buttery mash, onions & bastard gravy!

Bouchon classic of ‘silk workers brains’ or fromage blanc to you and & I, will come adorned with crudites.

Hand-dived scallops will be roasted in the half shell ‘a la Guilho’, a Portuguese style butter filled with lots & lots of garlic. One for the snoggers, smokers, bivalve lovers.

Vitello tonnato makes a long awaited return. Thin slices of rare veal are loaded with a luxuriant tuna mayonnaise, capers & anchovies.

Roasted turbot tranches will sit atop saffron infused ‘Coco de Paimpol’, the queen of haricot beans, also known as the Pearl of Brittany amongst its ancient Pirating community, maybe.

As you may have seen this week there are now 2, yes 2 ‘Express Lunch’ options, a classic pasta and a hot sandwich (these are also available to takeaway). You’ll get another chance to grab a roast beef ‘au jus’ whilst next week’s pasta of penne with mussels, ventricina, cream & parsley will be ready from Tuesday at midday. £15 for either, with a wine, beer or pop juice. Tuesday to Saturday.

Looking forward to welcoming you all over the weekend and next week.

Marcos, Nick & the Team